Teaching Tip of the Week

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Summer Missions

Many young people from local churches are preparing to set out on a summer missions venture. Some will go overseas, some will travel to another part of the country, some will live at home while they serve in their own area. Wherever they’re going and whatever their specific work will be, it is a chance for the children in your church to be involved.

Adopt a young person serving this summer as a summer missions project. Invite them to come and talk to your class about what they’ll be involved in, when they’re going, where they’re going, how they’re preparing, etc. Have several of the children pray for them right in class. Make a commitment to pray for them throughout the term of their service. Request prayer updates. The children could even take special offerings to help with needed support.

You may even want to appoint an official class “missions chairman” to handle correspondence and classtime updates and prayer.

At the end of the young person’s service, have them return to give a final report. Then watch your children’s interest and enthusiasm for missions grow. You’ll probably even see many of them anxious to reach the age when they can serve as a summer missionary.

Note: If there are no young people in your church that are involved in a summer missions program, why not adopt someone from another church in the area?

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